Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let Go

10/20 - Wow.  It is amazing after 14 years of practicing yoga to discover and experience a new style of yoga I have never tried before, Anusara.  It was fantastic!  It is slow, intentional, deep, introspective, thoughtful, both calming and invigorating, expansive and centering.  At the beginning of class our instructor asked us to think about a word that we would want to hold with us today and forever, living it and embracing it, and really focusing on in the upcoming year.  By putting that intention out into the universe, amazing things will happen.  That she was sure of.  If we hadn't come up with a word yet, she suggested "purity."  As I focused on this word while practicing today, this incredible rush went through my body when I was in a twist - I can only describe it as a profound sense of peace; that everything was going to be alright.  This was a huge relief!  I have been under a lot of stress lately, with work issues and challenges with my teenager - behavior, health problems, attitude, school, college planning, lying, just to name a few.  Our family schedules have been crazy with parent teacher conferences, end of varsity sports season events, my husband working a lot of overtime, and work deadlines for me, and time away from my family with my yoga teacher training.  Peace was welcomed.

This Anusara class was yet another turning point for me.  I have a tendency to analyze things to death, showing up with a pre-determined notion of how things are supposed to be and go, setting expections, trying to control, and then beieng all jacked up when they don't turn out or go the way my brain decided they should.  Where does that usually leave me?  Sitting in disappointment, frustration, and failure.  Lately I have been "putting it out there" to let go and be open, not putting limitations or designs on HOW things should get done.   If we are married to HOW it will happen, we actually are limiting ourselves, the situation, and others. God is way more creative than we will ever be.  The phrase "Let go and let God" rushes back to my consciousness.  I can't even imagine all that God can do, or how He can do it, or even the results, so letting go allows for more opportunities, more options, and even better things to come!

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