Tuesday, October 25, 2011


10/19 - Last night was physically difficult for me.  We taught the balancing series, which means we teach it once to our small class and do it 6 times as everyone takes turns. Then we learned the hip opening series - not my favorite.  My new term for pigeon pose is the angry bird pose, because it makes me angry when I do it.  I struggle to maintain my balance in crescent lunge, which is basically a runners lunge with your hands over your head.  The stability in my hips is fragile from the car accident, so I feel like I am going to fall over in the posture.  It seems to take an inordinate amount of strength for me to hold it, and I usually end up putting my knee down.  Here's where the acceptance part comes in - this is a posture I need to accept,  quit worrying about, stop fighting it and wishing I could do it better.   Right now, I can't do it any better, and that is ok. 

I am so wiped out by the end of class I am shaking and feel weak.  My fellow teacher trainee, Gretchen, clearly sees my weakness (I am probably pale at this point) and offers me a granola bar, which I gratefully accept.  Once I am home, I climb the stairs, one stair at a time like a toddler does, except slower.  I'm not sleepy at all, just physically exhausted and realizing my blood sugar is probably low.  Paying for forgetting my post Prana flow class protein shake!  One can't do 4 1/2 hours of yoga straight without some sort of nutrients, at least I can't.  I already know this.  Note to self - fuel up, and don't beat yourself up.  You are where you are.  I believe Popeye said something like that:  " I yam what I am, and that's all that I yam."

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